We are used to using it to keep in touch with our friends, to share instant messages and photos. WhatsApp is certainly the most popular platform of the moment, but now the small and medium companies can take a step forward with WhatsApp Business, the application that allows customers to quickly find useful information such as description of the activity, address, email and website.
It must be said that the use of WhatsApp for business purposes was a reality even before the business version arrived. According to estimates provided by Morning Consult, 69% of small companies in Italy said that WhatsApp helps them to communicate with customers and 52% believe that it contributes to the growth of their business. Ind.a.co Tech also uses the WhatsApp platform to communicate with customers and suppliers; through the number +39.335.522129 it is possible to stay in constant contact with the company, follow the phases of orders and delivery times or simply request information.
Source: www.ilsole24ore.com