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Industrial Technology, handcraft simplicity


Maschines for Goldsmith

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist"

Louis Nizer
Founded   in   Arezzo   in   the   year   1970   after   the   experience  acquired   by   its   owners,  OroMeccanica   is characterized by simplicity, versatility and quality. In Italy, as in the World, OroMeccanica represents its hometown, famous for its outstanding gold handcrafting.

"Simplicity, versatility and quality"

Oromeccanica machines are completely made in Italy and their quality is guaranteed trough every phase of the process, from design until production, testing and delivery. 

"Oromeccanica machines are completely made in Italy"

Our customers are the focus of our activity. We would like to thank them all for the precious insight on trends, and for the challenges that made us grow as leaders in our market.

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Via Samuel Morse, 20


Scarico e carico merci

Via Puccini, 93-95


Tel. +39 0575 383151

Fax +39 0575 383152

